About Mike

Glenn "Mike" Prax was born in Sleepy Eye, Minnesota. He moved to Alaska with his parents in 1969 and currently lives in the Badger area of the Fairbanks North Star Borough.  Prax graduated from AE Lathrop High School in 1974. His career experience includes working for his parents at the Star of the North Bakery throughout his high school years, as an operations and maintenance technician with Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, as an owner/manager of Prospector Outfitters, and as an insurance producer at Dick Randolph State Farm Insurance agency.  


Prax's political career includes serving as a District Chair of the Republican Party in the '80s and on the Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly from 1997 to 2001.   Governor Dunleavy appointed him to the State House of Representatives in 2019 to fill the seat vacated by former representative Tammie Wilson, and he is currently in his second full term in office.  Prax served on the House Education, Health & Social Service, and Energy committees in the 32nd legislature. He currently serves as the chair of the House Health & Social Committee. He is also assigned to the Education, Labor & Commerce, and Energy Committees and is an alternate on the Select Committee on Legislative Ethics. 


In his spare time (of which there is little), he enjoys cultivating raspberries and hunting.  He also holds a private pilot's license.